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Yes, he said he could take any hit. A young boxer came to him and caught him off guard and he told him to try again while he was ready. The next day on a train his tempuature exeeded 100 degrees. After his show the next day he colapsed on stage. About a week later he told his wife he'was tired of fighting' and that he'd try to send her a message from beyond the grave.

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Q: Did Harry Houdini die because of a ruptured appendix?
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Why did Harry Houdini die?

Harry Died of an infection due to a ruptured appendix.

How many years did Harry Houdini live?

52 years. He died because his appendix ruptured.

What happen harry hondini end of life?

Harry Houdini died of peritonitis, secondary to a ruptured appendix.

Did Harry Houdini die with the bullet that he had to catch the bullet in his teeth?

No. He died from a ruptured appendix.

Did Harry Houdini die in one of his acts?

No he died of peritonitis secondary to a ruptured appendix

How did Henry houdini die?

Harry Houdini, born as Erik Weisz, died on October 31, 1926, due to complications from a ruptured appendix. It is believed that Houdini's appendix had ruptured after being punched by a student who wanted to test his claims of having a strong stomach. However, this theory is still disputed.

How Harry Houddini died?

Harry houdini dies from a ruptured apendix during a perfomance after getting a punch to his stomach due to claims that he could withstand a punch from any living human...don't know who is harry hoidini

Where was Houdini when the young man punched him?

He was on a collage campus and this random dude came up to him and said, " Everyone says you can take lots of pain to the abdomen," Harry was tired so he sort of nodded and this guy started punching him and ruptured his appendix. Harry died of his ruptured appendix.

Where was Harry Houdini died?

hospitalized at Detroit's Grace Hospital Houdini died of peritonitis from a ruptured appendix at 1:26 p.m. in Room 401 on October 31, aged 52

How did harry Houdini dead?

Burst appendix

What famous people died of appendicitis?

Harry Houdini died of appencitis at the age of 52. The rumor is that he died after being punched, but in fact it was a subsequent ruptured appendix that got him 6 days later, despite undergoing an appendectomy. Harry Houdini died of appencitis at the age of 52. The rumor is that he died after being punched, but in fact it was a subsequent ruptured appendix that got him 6 days later, despite undergoing an appendectomy.

What did the famous Harry Houdini die from?

A burst appendix.