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Yes, the Nazi's brutally killed any Jews, regardless of age or gender.

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Q: Did Nazis persecute women and children?
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How did the Nazis persecute the disabled?

they deined them the right to live.

Who did the Nazis persecute during World War 2?

The Nazis persecuted the Jews During WWII

Who did Adolf Hitler and the Nazis persecute?

Non-"aryans":jewsblacksgypsiesmentally illslavic peoplechristianscommunistsetc.

How did Nazis used women and children continuation of pure German race?

they used the women and children because most of them had blond hair and blue eyes

When was The Children Who Cheated the Nazis created?

The Children Who Cheated the Nazis was created in 2000.

How many children were put to death by the Nazis?

1.5 million children were killed by Nazis.

What did the Nazis decide to do about ridding their nation of Jews as quickly as possible?

gasing and shooting and also hanging Jewish men women and children.

Was it only Jewish children that got taken by the Nazis?

No, it was adults and children. The Nazis wanted to exterminate all Jews.

How many children got kidnapped by the Nazis?

An estimated 50,000 children were kidnapped by the Nazis in Poland.

Women policies by the Nazi?

alot of the Nazis belived that women should be seen but not heard. such as they told them to not wear make up, look plan, not smoke and work all day at home while the husbands earnt all the money. the only thing they thought the women were usfull for was to have chldren and to make the children want to become apert of the Nazis. Hitler mainly wanted the children to be born with blonde hair and blue eyes. he was very controlling!

What group was eliminated first and how during the holocaust?

The women, children, the elderly, the sick, and the weak. They either gassed or shot, nut mostly gassed. The Nazis also did unspeakable and sickening

What is persecute as a noun?

The dictator intended to persecute those who spoke out against his regime. The word persecute is a verb, and a synonym is torment.