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Neanderthal's had what would be considered in today's population a receding chin. Homo sapiens has a prognathous chin. A chin is simply the most forward part of the lower jaw. If you have no chin, you have no lower jaw.

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Q: Did Neanderthals have a chin
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How are humans and neanderthals different?

Physically, Neanderthals had a larger body mass, bigger muscles, an expanded ribcage that housed larger lungs, a weak chin and a prominent brow ridge.

Did neanderthals have a protruding mouth?

Neanderthals did have a protruding mid-face area, which made their mouths protrude forwards compared to modern humans. This distinctive feature is one of the anatomical differences between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens.

What were the physical features of the Neanderthals?

Compared to modern humans, Neanderthals had a larger mass, bigger muscles, an expanded ribcage that housed larger lungs, a weak chin and a prominent brown ridge.

What distinguishes neanderthals from early humans?

Physically, Neanderthals had a larger body mass, bigger muscles, an expanded ribcage that housed larger lungs, a weak chin and a prominent brow ridge.

How do Neanderthals differ from other ancient people?

Physically, Neanderthals had a larger body mass, bigger muscles, an expanded ribcage that housed larger lungs, a weak chin and a prominent brow ridge.

What other interesting properties make the neanderthals unique?

Physically, Neanderthals had a larger body mass, bigger muscles, an expanded ribcage that housed larger lungs, a weak chin and a prominent brow ridge.

What is the difference between homo neanderthals and other homo speicies?

Physically, Neanderthals had a larger body mass, bigger muscles, an expanded ribcage that housed larger lungs, a weak chin and a prominent brow ridge.

What are some physical characteristics of neanderthals?

Physically, Neanderthals had a larger body mass, bigger muscles, an expanded ribcage that housed larger lungs, a weak chin and a prominent brow ridge.

What is the physical differences between neanderthal and cro magnon?

Neanderthals had a more robust build with a stocky body, prominent brow ridges, and a larger brain size compared to anatomically modern humans like Cro-Magnons who had a more gracile build, prominent chin, and a smaller brain size. Neanderthals also had a wider pelvis, shorter limbs, and adapted to a cold climate with a large nasal cavity for warming and moisturizing air.

What are some differences between us and neanderthals?

Some key differences between us and Neanderthals include physical characteristics such as skull shape and size, with Neanderthals having larger skulls and robust features. Additionally, evidence suggests that Neanderthals had a different pattern of genetic adaptation to their environment compared to modern humans. There are also differences in cultural practices and tool use between the two groups.

How are neanderthal and cro-magnon difernt?

Neanderthals had bigger muscles and a body with larger mass. They had an expanded rib cage and larger lungs. They had a weak chin and a prominent brow ridge.

What does neanderthal looks like?

Physically, Neanderthals had a larger body mass, bigger muscles, an expanded ribcage that housed larger lungs, a weak chin and a prominent brow ridge.