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No. Actually, Ellsworth was against owning and mistreating slaves.

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Q: Did Oliver Ellsworth own slaves
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Did oliver ellsworth supprot slavery?

no oliver ellsworth did not support slavery.

What is Oliver Ellsworth's birthday?

Oliver Ellsworth was born on April 29, 1745.

When was Oliver Ellsworth born?

Oliver Ellsworth was born on April 29, 1745.

When did Oliver Ellsworth die?

Oliver Ellsworth died on 1807-11-26.

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Oliver Ellsworth Homestead was created in 1740.

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Oliver Ellsworth Buckley was born on 1887-08-08.

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Oliver Ellsworth Buckley died on 1959-12-14.

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Where did Oliver Ellsworth die?

in windsor conn

What was Oliver Ellsworth's stand on slavery?

Oliver Ellsworth wanted slavery to end. He wanted to stop the practice of slave trade and thought many slave owners were hypocrites.

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Where did Oliver ellsworth live?

Windsor is a town in Hartford County, Connecticut