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well in the book they call him 'hijacked' the Captial took tracker Tracker Venom and gave it to him to make him fear Katniss and make her so fearful to him that he will try to kill her because thats how life-threatening to him she is, so in other words, yes, they just played with his memories to create horrific ones of katniss

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11y ago

The evil President Snow of the Capital wanted to turn Peeta into a weapon against Katniss and he knew that torturing Peeta by brainwashing him into believing Katniss is some evil genetically engineered being made by the Capitol would torture Katniss's spirit.

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10y ago

Yes. After Catching Fire, Peeta was captured by the Capitol. He was "hijacked" and made to believe that Katniss was his enemy, making him want to kill her.

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Q: Did Peeta Get Brainwashed To Kill Katniss?
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SPOILER: Peeta is brainwashed by President Snow. But is returned to District 13 to Katniss. He tries to kill Katniss and calls her a mutt. So, they make peeta look back in the past with Katniss and he remembers everything. therefore, they really get married and have kids.

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if katniss shoots cato to kill him, cato will take peeta with him into the mutts below. in response to this, peeta has katniss shoot cato's hand. You might be talking about why Cato hates Katniss if so its because Katniss and Peeta took the croward away from them when they road in on their charriots at the begining when Katniss gets her name "The girl on fire"

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**This answer will contain spoilers! Don't read unless you're not planning on reading Hunger Games, Catching Fire, or Mockingjay!**Throughout the story Katniss is never "with" Peeta, it is mostly an act. In Catching Fire, Peeta stages a proposal for the capitol and she says yes, but later they break this off because they're busy escaping from the capitol.

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No, but he does TRY to kill her when he gets back by strangling her.

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What does Katniss mean when she tells Peeta that Foxface was his kill?

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