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Yes, depending on what preconceptions you have about what it means to "create" a play. Shakespeare did indeed write at least part of all the plays attributed to him. Sometimes he wrote with another playwright as a team, so he did not write all of them alone. And he did not create the plots or stories of his plays. With two exceptions, he borrowed them from books or other plays. That was normal and completely accepted at the time for all playwrights. What mattered was Shakespeare's treatment of the story and the lines he wrote for the actors, not the creation of the story itself.

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It is a fair assumption that yes, Shakespeare did do a lot of revision on his plays. The frequent differences between different published versions of the same play in his lifetime tends to confirm this.

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Q: Did Shakespeare have many stage directions in his plays?
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Who wrote the stage directions in the crucible?

Many stage directions in published plays come from the original production rather than the playwright.

How many sonnets are Shakespeare's plays?

None, obviously. A sonnet is a fourteen-line poem. A Shakespearean play is a drama involving dozens of actors, props and stage directions, taking about three hours to perform. Sometimes sonnets are imbedded in the plays, notably in Romeo and Juliet and Love's Labour's Lost.

How many stage direction there have?

There are 9 stage directions

What kind of people were not allowed to act in Shakespeare's plays?

It was unlawful for women to appear on stage in Shakespeare's day. (People couldn't imagine women getting on stage except for some kind of striptease) The women's parts in all plays performed before 1660 in England, whether by Shakespeare or by one of the many other paywrights of the day, were played by boys.

How many plays comprise Shakespeare's portfolio?

Shakespeare wrote 38 plays.

What was a famous building used for many of Shakespeare's plays?

The Elizabethan theater was used for many of Shakespeare's plays.

How many plays had shakespeare wrote?

There were exactly 63 plays that shakespeare wrote by himself

How many of Shakespeare plays became books?

All the known Shakespeare plays are printed in books.

What were two of William Shakespeare's plays?

Shakespeare wrote many plays but these are just two of them. Macbeth and Hamlet.

How many plays are atributed to shakespeare?

At least 37 plays.

What was unique about william Shakespeare's plays?

They are not really unique. There are many many plays by Shakespeare's contemporaries, many of which are better than the worst of Shakespeare's plays. Shakespeare was just one of a large number of people writing plays. But what history has shown is that Shakespeare, when he was on his game, was a far better playwright than any of his contemporaries and anyone else before or since. He was not unique, but he was and is the best.

how many props did shakespeare use in his plays?

Well, I'm sure you can think of some of them, like swords and daggers and drinking glasses and bottles of poison and crowns. There are also a number of notes and letters. Occasionally there are interesting props required like a couple of human skulls, or a donkey's head, or a whetstone, or an overdone roast beef. The props are often implied by the stage directions or even the dialogue. Shakespeare did not compile a proplist for the plays; he expected the director to do that. So it is difficult to be precise about how many of them may be needed.