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yes,all ww1 tanks had guns

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Did World War 1 tanks have machine guns on them?


Which weapons were the most sucsessful in World War 1?

Tanks and machine guns.

What are the new 4 weapons used in World War I World War 1?

Airplanes, poison gas, machine guns and tanks.

What were three military inventions of World War 1?

tanks gattleing guns puppy cannons

What were the new war weapons in the World War 1?

Mustard gas, Tanks, Airplanes

What were some new weapons used in World War 1?

poison gas machine guns and tanks

What was the military invention that made it's debut in World War 1?

tanks and machine guns i think

Did world war 1 have tanks?

Yes, world war 1 had tanks. World War 1 was the introduction of battle-ready tanks used in war.

What is the difference between male and female World War 1 tanks?

as far as i know, male tanks used cannons (guns firing explosive shells) and female tanks used machine guns with conventional rounds

What war technology destroys war tanks in world war 1?

Standard field guns could destroy armor during WWI.

What items that people use today were gained from World War 1 and World War 2?

Machine guns, tanks, airplanes, chemical warfare

What kind of airplanes tanks and guns were used in World War 1?

French 75mm field guns; Renault model 1917 tanks; Spad 13 airplanes were the most popular and successful of allied guns, tanks, and planes.