

Best Answer

The bel (B) is a unit of measurement originally proposed by 1929 W. H. Martin of Bell Labs (Bell System Techn. Jrnl. VIII. 2) and named after Bell.

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Q: Did alexander bell invent the Decibel?
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Did Alexander Graham Bell invent the decibel?


Who discovered the decibel?

Alexander Graham Bell

After whom was the unit of measurement decibel named?

The Decibel was named after Alexander Graham Bell who is the inventor of the telephone and the bell is a sound known as the Decibel. The Decibel ranges from 0 to 140, with 140 being the highest.

What did Alexander Melville Bell invent?

the bell

Who was the decibel named after?

Alexander Graham Bell. Scroll down to related links and look at "Alexander Graham Bell - Wikipedia".

Why is decibel named after Alexander Graham Bell?

notch, the maker of minecraft

What did Alexander Graham Bell invent?

Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

Did Alexander bell invent the telepgrph?

No, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

What did Alexander grayham bell invent?

************* alexander graham bell the telephone silly

What did Alexander Graham Bell invent and when did he invent it?

cell phones

Did Alexander Graham Bell invent the shower?

No he did not invent the shower

What is the eponyms of old latin word Ten do with Alexander Graham Bell?

The answer is decibel.