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Very few people do - a diary is a very private thing.

Anne Frank, at first, intended her diary to be for herself only, however, later she figures that others can read her diary to discover more about the war.

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Yes, anne intended to have the diary published so people could know what she and others around her knew what she went through, what it was like, and how it felt.

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She never new that it would ever be published

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Q: Did Anne Frank want her diary published?
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Frank didn't write a diary for the war. She was given it by her father, Otto, to record whatever she wanted. At that time, she was in hiding, so she wouldn't have seen what was going on outside. As to why she wanted one, it is unknown. However she was overjoyed when she got it.

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Was there anyone else who wrote a diary in World War 2?

While there might have been another person who wrote a diary, the only one that became known was the Diary of Anne Frank. For those who want to learn more about that era in history try to read the book.