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No Women Signed the Mayflower Compact.

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Q: Did any women sign the Mayflower Compact?
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Did Any of the Signers of the Mayflower Compact Sign With An X?

The original document has been lost, so we will never know.

The Pilgrim agreement to abide by any laws their new community might establish was the?

Mayflower Compact.

Did any females sign the Mayflower Compact?

No, I do not think so. I looked at a website that contains a list of people who signed the Mayflower Compact. All of them were men. Here is the link if you want to check it out.

Was the Mayflower Compact signed at the end of the war?

No. The Mayflower Compact was signed by the English Separatists and settlers who founded Plymouth Colony, in 1620. It was not related to any war.

Are there any remaining copies of the Mayflower compact?

There is no surviving original of the Mayflower Compact. The oldest surviving handwritten copy was penned by William Bradford's in 1646. It is currently in the State Library of Massachusetts.

According to the mayflower Compact who would benefit from any laws enacted under its terms?

=only the signaters of the Compact benefited from it. There were only 41 signaters. But the Mayflower had 102 passengers on board. Those who weren't allowed to sign, because they were ordinary people, did not benefit from the egalitarian and democratic society the text wished to establish.=

Why was the Significant of the Mayflower Compact?

It was the first formal government of any of the early colonies.

Why was the creation of the Mayflower Compact significant?

It was the first formal government of any of the early colonies.

Why was the Mayflower Compact created?

to bind the group into a political body and pledge member to abide by any laws that would be established

Can you think of any reasons why the writer of the Mayflower Compact wanted to acknowledge British authority so?

Acknowledging British authority helped keep social order on the boat.

Was the Mayflower Compact the first written constitution in America?

Some would say so, but it was a social contract that did not lay out any actual laws, like the US Constitution does.

Can you think of any reasons why the writers of the Mayflower Compact wanted to acknowledge British authority so openly?

Acknowledging British authority helped keep social order on the boat.