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Q: Did early humans have sugar
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What do archaeologists have to do with early humans?

Archaeologists study early humans by examining their artifacts, tools, and structures to learn about their behaviors, technology, and lifestyles. This can help paint a more detailed picture of our ancestors and how they lived, hunted, and interacted with their environment. By uncovering and analyzing these remnants of the past, archaeologists contribute crucial insights into our shared human history.

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early humans painted pictures with caves./

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the early humans had established with a government because the namads had told the early humans to establishe with a government

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chamara silva

What did the early Greeks call humans?

Early (anciant) Greek called humans mortals

Where is a picture of what early humans wore?

Early humans wore animal skins in the cave paintings.

What do cave paintings tell us about the religions of early humans?

early humans worshipped animals

What do cave paintings tell us about religion of early humans?

early humans worshipped animals

What are the difference in the way of life between early and modern humans?

Early humans were hunter-gatherers, relying on hunting and gathering for food. They lived in small, nomadic groups. Modern humans have settled in permanent communities, practice agriculture, and have more complex social structures. They also have access to technology that early humans did not, leading to significant advancements in various aspects of life.

What do archaeologists study to learn about early humans?

Archaeologists study early humans by digging up and studying the traces of early settlements

One difference between early modern humans and neanderthals is that early modern humans?

had more sophisticated tools and art, as well as a more complex social structure than Neanderthals.