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Q: Did galilao have kids
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What is Galileo's fullname?

Galilio Galilao

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What did galilao descover?

Galilao descovered (sic) that the sun stood still and the planets revolved around it. It took 500 years before the Catholic Church acknowledged that he was not guilty of heresy for so stating.

What day did Galilao die?

Galileo died on the 8th of January, 1642.

Who was the first person to make and use a teloscope?

galilao and hans lippershey

Who was the first person to see the moon with a telescope?

Galilao mapped the moon and saw jupiters moona

What was galilao's contribution to science?

In physics, Galileo is remembered for discovering the laws of falling bodies and motions of projectiles.

What were the main events in the Elizabethan times?

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Did Galileo Galilei have a middle name?

According to WikiPedia, it is Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de' Galilei.