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Q: Did greek comedy and tragedy arose from religious ceremonies and rites?
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What is the difference between religious antisemitism and political antisemitism?

The usual disintinction is between (traditional) religious antisemitism and racial antisemitism. The latter arose after religious toleration was accepted in most European countries and religious antisemitism lost much of its force. Racial antisemitism arose from about 1870 onwards and operates with conspiracy theories.

What new kind of government arose during romes decline?

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The federal mine safety and health act.

What new religions arose during the second great awakening?

Mormons, Seventh Day Adventist, and Christadelphians are the new religions that arose during the Second Great Awakening. Another religion that arose was the Church of Christ.

What was new about the religious orders that arose after 100?

The new religious orders that arose after 1000 focused on a stricter adherence to the monastic rules, such as the Benedictine rule for the Benedictines and the Rule of St. Augustine for the Augustinians. They also emphasized a greater degree of active engagement with the world through missions, education, and charity work, compared to earlier monastic communities. Additionally, these orders sought papal approval and recognition to establish a more formal organizational structure within the Catholic Church.

What is arose?

Arose means to get up.Amy arose from her bed after waking up.

What new religious sect was created after the English monarchy was restored?

A new religious sect arose after the restoration of the English monarchy. They were called the Society of Friends, also known as the Quakers. They became a problem for the English monarchy because they were pacifists and would not take up arms to fight in a war. They were persecuted by the Anglican Church and via William Penn, a new convert to the religion, a charter was granted for what was Pennsylvania. The new colony allowed religious freedom for all.

What is arose in tagalog?

The word "arose" in Tagalog can be translated as "nagmulat" or "nagising."

How the Assyrians treat people with different religious beliefs and ways of life?

The did not interfere, realising that the gods were all the same, just with different local names. Religious persecution arose with Judaism and its children Christianity and Islam, which were prepared to slaughter in the name of their god.

How did Assyrians treat peoples with different religious beliefs and ways of life?

The did not interfere, realising that the gods were all the same, just with different local names. Religious persecution arose with Judaism and its children Christianity and Islam, which were prepared to slaughter in the name of their god.

What do you call arose in Sanskrit?

Arose in Sabskrit is abhūt.

Who was the first religion fought in the Persian war?

The Persian War was not about religion. Religious wars arose with the rise of the exclusivist religions which came out of the god Yahweh (Judaism, Christianity, Islam).