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Q: Did john Wayne dress up as a women?
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How many times did John Wayne collaborate with director John Ford?

John Wayne and director John Ford teamed up on 21 films

What was John Wayne's sexual orientation?

John Wayne lived in a time when sexual orientation was not openly discussed, but all indications are that he was heterosexual. --- As far as we are concerned, John Wayne was a straight man. He had children with his wives and there is no evidence of him being gay, not that there would be anything wrong with that; he's still the DUKE! It's surprising how often this question comes up. Wayne was many things but gay was not one of them. He was married three times (all women), fathered seven children, had several high profile affairs (also women) and was heterosexual.

What wrestlers can you dress up?

you can dress up two wrestlers on stardoll and they are john cena and Jeff hardy

How much is the painting of john Wayne worth if signed by peter shinn?

A painting or pitcher painting of John Wayne signed by artists 1.000.00 and up

Is there a war movie that has John Wayne asking the doctor if he is sure Wayne's foot is broken and when the doctor says yes Wayne tells the doctor to slap on the boot and lace it up tight?

"Lace it up tight, Doc. I got a war to fight" is said by John Wayne in the film The Longest Day.

What nickname for a stetson hat did john Wayne come up with?

Boss of the Plains.

In what movie did John Wayne say Go ahead pick it up I wish you would?

It's from the movie "Rio Bravo" and the actual line is delivered by John Wayne as Sheriff John T. Chance... "You want that gun? Pick it up. I wish you would"

Did women dress up as men during the revolutionary war?

yes many women dressed up as men inthe revolutionary war

Where can you play john cena dress up games?

anywhere you want

How can you join John Wayne fan club?

I would contact his exsisting fan club and join. If you look up John Wayne Fan Club I am sure it will come up. Or you can try and contact his son. He is still alive and well.

In what ways can women wear a vest?

There are several way a women can wear a vest. Among them are to dress up jeans, toughen up the girly look, punk rock vibe look, dress up a sweater, get cozy with a warmer vest, and play matches.

Where did John Wayne grow up?

He grew up near the Hollywood badlands