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By 1939 child labor laws were in place and children could not work. So, the answer to the question is no. Children were not working.

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Q: Did kids get a higher wage than women did during World War 2?
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What is the most kids a women has had in the world?

126 kids! I know it's unbelieveable! She had a lot of triplets and twins and kids like that!

Do women in Africa have a lot of kids?

Yes they do. Actually, if you go to (See related link below) and then go to data finder you will see world and us topics. Under world click population trends and scroll down to total fertility rate and click on it. That shows you data from every country in the world. Oh and btw Total fertility rate is the amount of kids one women will have over her lifetime. You will notice that women in Africa do have higher fertility rates.

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Many countries did not allow women to fight in combat during World War II.

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They used to stay home and look after their kids, or stay by themselves.

What did they do with the German kids during world war 2?

If they were Jewish, they were killed. If not, not.

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a good man,kids,career,fairness n equality

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