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Well, in the movie, Neville destroyed one of the horcruxes, Nagini, which was Voldemorts snake, which made Voldemort mortal again. But since the elder wand, which was the wand that Voldemort was using when he was dueling with Harry, belonged to Harry since in the sixth book Draco disarmed Dumbledore but in the seventh movie part 2, Harry disarmed Draco in the room of requirement, so the elder wand became Harrys. Therefore, when Voldemort tried to use the unforgivable curse, Avada Kedavra, on Harry it backfired on him because Harry was the owner of the wand therefore any curse used against him with that wand would not work and would backfire to the person holding his wand. So, Voldemort ended up killing himself but Harry sort of helped because the wand belonged to him and the spell rebounded off of him. So Neville didnt kill Voldemort but helped in the process of doing it.

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Q: Did nevill kill voldermourt
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When was Christopher Nevill born?

Christopher Nevill was born in 1800.

When was Nevill Willmer born?

Nevill Willmer was born in 1902.

In Harry Potter and the prisinor of Azkaban game how do you kill hinkipunks and save nevill from the ghoul?

i dont know so that is why i am askin you

When did Charles William Nevill die?

Charles William Nevill died in 1888.

When was Edmund Neville Nevill born?

Edmund Neville Nevill was born in 1849.

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