

Did people evolve from gorillas

Updated: 9/19/2023
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12y ago

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According to the theory of evolution, more complex animals develop over time from simpler ones. This would indicate that humans and gorillas, who share many traits, had a common ancestor which was neither a human nor a gorilla, but a simpler form of both. This ancestor would have lived millions of years ago, because the process of evolutionary improvement within a species is a very slow one. Many new species could not compete, or otherwise died off.

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no, of course not. they don't have scales, stupid.

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gorillas came from black people

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The world is a better place because of dian fossey because she informed people that gorillas are not so harmful. She also wanted to tell people that the world can be a better place because of gorillas. Another thing is she made a movie and a book about gorillas. The book and the movie have the same title. They are both called ""Gorillas in the Mist".

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Do gorillas fight a lot?

Not really only if people get in their way.