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Yes they painted cave drawings

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Q: Did people know how to paint in the stone age?
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Related questions

Why did the people paint on the walls during the stone age?

People in the Stone Age painted on walls as a form of communication, storytelling, and artistic expression. These cave paintings served as a way to document their surroundings, share knowledge, and express cultural beliefs and rituals.

What do old stone age cave paintings reveal about the people?

They knew how to make paint.

What evidence tells you Otzi iceman was not part of the Stone Age?

Otzi the Iceman, discovered in the Alpines in 1991, lived around 3300 BCE, during the Copper Age. He had a well-preserved body and belongings that included a copper axe, showing he lived in an era beyond the Stone Age. Additionally, his clothing and tools were more advanced than what would have been typical in the Stone Age.

What did the stone age use to make paint?


How the people of stone age used to paint?

They used the blood of there kills and they used rocks for there white (used as chalk)

How did animals effect people during the Stone Age?

animals in the stone age were nothing but dinosaurs and rhinos but know that the Stone age is over we have cats dogs and other animals.

Old stone age vs new stone age?

The Old Stone Age, or Paleolithic period, was characterized by early human ancestors using basic stone tools for hunting and gathering. The New Stone Age, or Neolithic period, marked a shift to more advanced tools and the development of agriculture and permanent settlements. This transition was a significant step in the evolution of human civilization.

What do you know about old stone age people?

Old Stone Age people, also known as Paleolithic people, were nomadic hunter-gatherers who lived between 2.5 million and 10,000 years ago. They used simple stone tools and had a basic social organization. Old Stone Age people relied on their environment for sustenance and survival, moving from place to place in search of food.

Who invented artist paint?

Somebody in a Stone Age cave.

How did stone age people make clothes?

Stone Age people made clothes by using materials like animal hides, fur, and plant fibers. They would tan the hides to make them soft and durable, and then sew them together using bone or antler needles and thread made from plant fibers. They also used techniques like weaving and braiding to create garments like sandals, loin cloths, and tunics.

How old did the stone age people get?

The average life expectancy during the Stone Age was around 30 years old. However, reaching old age (60 years or older) was rare due to high rates of infant mortality and the challenges of survival in a harsh environment.

How did stone age people make tools?

Stone age people made tools by shaping and sharpening stones through a process called flint-knapping. They would strike stones together to create sharp edges and points for cutting, scraping, and hunting. Different types of tools were made from various types of stones depending on the specific purpose.