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Q: Did robber barons hurt America more than they helped it?
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it didn't really hurt California, it helped the state

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well they have not move on yet they are just going forward and not thinking about the past and whats going on now because it might hurt america

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US involvement in Latin America was helpful because it put down insurgencies and helped other countries establish better governments. However, it has left people under the impression that the US can be controlling.

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Freedom of speech has hurt America by causing people like the paparazzi to spread lies, rumors, and ultimately turn America into gossip hungry human beings. However, freedom of speech has allowed Americans to express the way they feel about different situations and it has helped make many necessary changes to our way of life.

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Helped :)

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it didn't really hurt California, it helped the state

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we have hurt them and helped them by building buildings where the grassland used to be, and heped them by cutting them and planting food in them

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Humans have helped and hurt the ocean in many ways, but I must say in my opinion, we have hurt the ocean beyond repair and must help the ocean become better. I would say we hurt the ocean.