

Did slave owners pay slaves

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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North Slave owners did pay their slaves, but south slave owners didn't.

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Q: Did slave owners pay slaves
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Where did the slave owners buy there slaves?

The slave owners bought their slaves at auctions.

How did slave owners pay for their slaves Was it money or some thing else?

Usually buying at slave auctions. Or breeding their own.

Why did slave owners want slaves?

Slave owners wanted slaves because they were able to make money or profits by the work performed by the slave.

How did slave owners in the north prevent slaves from escaping?

There were no northern slaves or slave owners. That is why slaves went north when escaping with the Underground Railroad.

What is a example of slave code?

Slaves were prevented from learning how to read or write. Slave owners were freed of punishment for beating their slaves. Slave owners were freed of punishment for murder of their slaves.

What is an example of a slave codes?

Slaves were prevented from learning how to read or write. Slave owners were freed of punishment for beating their slaves. Slave owners were freed of punishment for murder of their slaves.

What did slave owners do after slavery?

They wanted their slaves to stay and work, but they still didnt want to pay them anything.

Why did slavery made huge profits?

Very simple. In slavery, the only expenses for the slave owners were buying the slaves, and feeding them. Slave owners did not have to pay slaves, meaning very little overhead, meaning almost 100% profits.

What did the slave owners do when their slaves when they tryied to fight?

Slave owners would punish them by whipping them.

How many slave owners had slaves?

In the South, it was estimated that 350,000 slave owners held a significant number of slaves.

Why did slave owners believe there was such a need for slavery in the US?

Slave owners saw an opportunity to capitalize on free labor. They wanted to make more profits, so they didn't pay wages to slaves.

How did slave owners get new slaves?

The purchased them at slave auctions. Owners that had more slaves than they needed, and those bringing them from Africa would sell them at slave markets.