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yes the african slaves were brought to the americas

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Q: Did slavery in America start with African slaves?
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Where did African American slavery start?

slavery started in 1440 when Portugal started trading slaves to western Europe

When did slavery start for blacks in America?

The first African slaves were brought to Jamestown, Virginia in 1619. Dutch traders had taken 19 of them from a Spanish slave ship they had captured.

In what year did slavery start in Spain?

Spain began sending African slaves to South America, where they had founded colonies, in the 1500's, or more particularly, around 1510. Before this, the Spainards in South America used the Native Americans as slaves. However, African slaves were more used to rigerous farm work and heat, so they worked longer and harder than the Native Americans.

Where did slavery first start in the US?

in alabama////Not true-the first African slaves arrived at Jamestown,Va. on a Dutch ship in the year 1619.

Why did the Europeans start importing African slaves?

Because the Africans were offering them for sale and there was a market for them in America (they were not imported into Europe).

What led to the start of African slavery in the Americas?

The need for workers is the reason for slavery. At first the colonies used indentured servants, but many when they got to the colonies faded into the population after a period of time. Slaves couldn't do this since they were African American and anyone who was a slave.

How did Europeans get slaves before Portugal established trading post along the west African cost?

Slavery did not start with the African slave trade. Slavery and indentured servitude goes way back to Roman, Greek, and earlier times. Whenever their was a war, people from the losing side could be taken as slaves, laborers, and servants.

Why did the Underground Railway start?

In America, the 1700-1800's, African Americans were slaves. The underground railroad was created to help slaves escape to the Northern states, and later, Canada.

Why did slavery start happening?

Slavery was invented by rasists who discovered Africa and its people. The fact is, slavery became racism after the white people found out the fact that the African negros were good workers. The slaves were sometimes treated well, but most were beaten and treated cruelly.

What century did African American slavery start?


What date did it slavery start?

There is no exact date or place that slavery can be given. Thousands of years of slavery have existed. The bible talks about slaves and slaves were bought and sold by civilizations from the earliest times.

Where did slavery start in the US?

Slavery in the US started in Jamestown in 1619 when the first Africans arrived as slaves.