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During the waning hours of 2012 and early into January 1, 2013. Congress and the White House worked to advert the so-called fiscal cliff that was due to the strike on the first of the New Year.

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Q: Did the 2012 American Taxpayer Relief Act lower taxes?
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What is associated tax relief?

Associated tax relief is a relaxation of the higher taxes paid, in order to get the consumer to pay a fair share of the debt occurred by taxes. By using this relief, it keeps the taxpayer in the good graces of the government, and allows the payer to work through his debt without letting it destroy him.

Can I file joint taxes if my spouse is not an American citizen?

Yes, if your spouse has a Taxpayer Id. I would not bring attention to your spouse if they are here illegally.

Advantages and disadvantages of indirect taxes?

The advantages of indirect taxes accrue only to the politicians who implement them. The disadvantages of indirect taxes are that they are hidden from the taxpayer.

Can you deduct payroll taxes?

A individual taxpayer cannot deduct payroll taxes on the individual taxpayers income tax return.

Do you file taxes if you did not receive a 1099?

Yes this could be possible as a self employed taxpayer.

How does filing status affect the amount of taxes you will pay?

It changes the tax bracket of the taxpayer, meaning that the taxpayer pays more or less tax, depending on filing status.

What is the tax form 1099G used for?

A 1099G is a form that shows payments made by a government entity to a taxpayer. It is frequently sent when a taxpayer receives a refund of state taxes.

Why would a taxpayer file a tax return if not required to do so?

To claim a refund of taxes paid.

What is the definition of Wages or Salaries under the Employees social Security Act 1969?

Payroll taxes employer to employee. Earned income money that you work for, perform services, etc. as a individual taxpayer is also subject to the payroll taxes that the individual taxpayer is required to pay on the individual taxpayers net profit from the business operation as a self employed taxpayer.

How Did Julius Caesar lower taxes?

Yes, Julius Caesar did lower taxes.

How are income taxes collected?

Income taxes are collected through withholding (money the employer takes out of your pay and sends to the federal or state tax agencies) and direct payments (the taxpayer sends a check or money order). If taxes are owed and the taxpayer has not paid, then (just like any other debt) they will garnish your bank accounts, paycheck, refunds, etc.

How is property tax paid?

Property taxes are local taxes. Each taxing district makes up its own rules. Generally, they send the taxpayer a bill. Some places it is annual, other places semi-annual or even quarterly. In many localities, the taxpayer has the option of mailing a check, using an electronic payment, or paying in person. If the taxpayer has a mortgage and the mortgage company is holding escrow payments, then the taxpayer usually forwards the bill to the mortgage company to be paid.