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The Big Bang created space and time, and matter began to form after a short period. There was one superforce and not the four forces we now know (the electromagnetic force, the strong interaction, the weak interaction and gravity). Physics cannot explain the initial start of the Big Bang. How could all that energy (a whole universe worth) be compressed into such a small volume of spacetime? And where did the first "serving" of initiating energy come from? A parallel universe? An alternate reality? Initially, the energy levels were so high that there was no matter. Matter could not exist under those conditions, it could not form. But after a period where more spacetime was available and the energy that filled it "thinned out" some (things were cooling down), matter began to form.

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10y ago

Visible matter, and particularly that of luminous objects at great distances such as distant galaxies, provides significant evidence for the theory that all matter in the observable universe was at some time in the same location. In particular, the redshifting of galactic spectra from the Doppler effect indicates the uniformity of the expansion in all directions. The calculation of a fairly consistent correlation between distance and the speed at which an object is receding implies an event that stems from all such matter having been originally juxtaposed, and also gives a timeline with some accuracy when it likely occurred. From knowledge of stellar evolution, the age of the oldest stars also provides clues about the big bang timeline, and also, although it is not matter as such, the presence of a detectable background radiation (a non-zero temperature) also visible in all directions and thought to be the afterglow of such an event, tends to reinforce the theory.

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11y ago

Not directly - rather the expansion of the universe in contrast to the gravity of positive density matter provides for the introduction of dark energy to account for this discrepancy.

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11y ago

Eventually all matter is a product of the Big Bang - the four traditional types of matter are known as cold dark matter, warm dark matter, hot dark matter, and baryonic matter.

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Q: Did the Big Bang theory create matter?
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Boobs. There was one massive pair of jugs that became the universe. Yes. You sir, are a tit.

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'Singularity' ; a moment when energy exploded and matter was created.

What are the effect of the big bang theory?

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Hmph. The Big Bang theory did not form the sun. The big bang formed the elements hydrogen, then hydrogen began to create helium. Then stars were formed out of these two elements and that is how our sun was created.

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