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Roman Catholic AnswerJesus Christ instituted all seven sacraments, including the sacrament of confession. As Jesus is God and knows all things (by definition, He created each one of us), He certainly did not need confession to "spy" on people. Confession is there to help the individual sinner and it has been instituted by God.
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Q: Did the Catholics start confession to spy?
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Roman Catholic AnswerAll Catholics should be going to confession, it is one of the precepts of the Church.

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Catholics repent in the sacrament of reconciliation, also known as confession.

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Catholics never stopped going to church on Saturday, good Catholics usually go to confession on Saturday, and may attend the Saturday evening Mass as well.

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yes. Robert Cecil was the king's spy, but he was "working" with the catholics / guy fawkes. he told the king what the catholics were about to do.

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Most Protestant denominations do not recognize the Sacrament of Reconciliation so there is no confession.

Why do catlic go to a prist to confess?

Practising Catholics go to their Priests for Confession, as it is part of their religious beliefs.

What are forgiveness rituals?

There are many forgiveness rituals depending on which faith one belongs to. Roman Catholics believe in the sacrament of confession. Native faiths believe in actual sacrifice of small animals. Other Christian faiths believe in repentance but, not necessarily confession to another human as Catholics practice.

How many times a year do Catholics go to confession?

According to paragraph 1457 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Catholics who are aware of serious sin must go to Confession at least once a year. Confession is also suggested for anyone in need of confessing smaller (venial) sins. Pope John Paul II is said to have gone to Confession once a week, despite his holiness, because as a general rule, the holier a person gets, the more aware they become of their sins.

When does the church recommend to go to confession?

Catholics are bound to go to confession at least once a year, and it is recommended that this take place during the Easter season. Catholics are also bound to go to confession any time they commit a mortal sin, since the Church teaches that this is ordinarily the only means through which such sins are forgiven.For more on this, see the Code of Canon Law, nos. 988-989.

What happens if a person attends Catholic confession and is not Catholic?

Confession is one of the seven sacraments. Under normal circumstances only people who are in full communion with the See of Peter (ie. Roman Catholics) can receive the sacraments.

Do Roman Catholics cuss?

Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is rarely used by the Catholic Church. . There are good Catholics and Catholics who do not follow their religion all that closely. Good Catholics try to avoid foul language, or mention it in confession if they slip up.