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Q: Did the Choctaw Indian Tribe have any totem poles?
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What tribe made totem poles?

Only 6 Northwest Indian tribes produced totem poles. The Tlingit tribe, the Haida tribe, the Bella Coola tribe, the Kwakiutl tribe, the Tsimshian tribe, and the West Coast tribe.

Which Indian tribe invented totem poles?

Totem poles were not invented by any one Native American tribe. They were widely used by only six different tribes. The name of the tribes responsible for producing the totem pole are the Tlingit Tribe, the Haida Tribe, the Bella Coola Tribe, the Kwakiutl Tribe, the Tsimshian Tribe, and the West Coast Tribe.

Did the NZ Purse tribe make totem poles?

No they did not make totem poles.

How did the Tlingit tribe adapt to their environment?

They made totem poles, they held potlatch

Did the yurok tribe make totem poles?


Why were totem poles used in Indian cultures?

totem poles were used in some Indian cultures because not all Indian tribes traditions do that

Why were totem poles used in some indian cultures?

totem poles were used in some Indian cultures because not all Indian tribes traditions do that

What are totem poles and what group created them?

the miccosukee tribe

What tribe had totem poles?

the chinook,haidia,pueblo,tuisumi the chinook,haidi.pueblo,and tuisumi

What are the carvings on the totem poles?

they tell a story about the tribe who made it

What did the Pacific Northwest Indian make?

Totem poles

What tribe carved totem poles?

it was the pomo cheyenne