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The Maine sunk before the Spanish-American War.

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Q: Did the Maine sink before or after the Spanish-American war?
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Did an explosion sink the battleship Maine in Havana Harbor before after or during the Spanish American War?

It was before War was declared.

What major event caused the Spanish-American War?

The sinking of the U.S.S. Maine, though it is debatable whether the explosion on the Maine that caused it to sink was an act of war by Spain or just an accident.

The sinking of the uss Maine led to what war?

The Spanish American war, the newspapers accused Spain for sinking the Maine, when acctually something happened in the boiler room, that's what made it sink.

What ship was destroyed shortly before America declared war on Spain?

The USS Maine.

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What were the events of the USS Maine before and after?

the events before and after were tense and after the explosion of the USS Maine was explosive and sop that caused the USS to go to war against Spain.

Which happened first the US battleship Maine exploded and sank in the harbor at Havana Cuba or the US declared war on Spain?

The USS Maine sank before the US declared war on Spain.

What state was governed by massachuttes until 1820?

Maine was part of Massachusetts long after the Revolutionary War. Maine started out as it's own colony, but became part of Massachusetts before the Revolutionary War. Maine became a state in 1820.

Who was the commander of the USS Maine before the Spanish American War?

Captain Charles Sigsbee was commanding when she was sunk.

How was Maine part of the Civil War?

Maine was part of the Union States