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The one child policy has reduced the rate of population growth in Chinese cities, but it has not been able to slow it enough to solve the population problem, and has not reduced the number of people. This is why China also practices other population control policies, such as providing incentives for families to move to the countryside.

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12y ago

it has been very successful because the Birth Rate over 30 years have been decreased by 400 million births. without this one child policy rule there would have been 400 million babies more in the world

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15y ago

sometimes it did. but other times, people were caught because they had broken it and had more children. :)

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Q: How has the one child policy in china been successful?
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How has the one child policy changed?

it has changed china by a lot because if they didnt introduce the one child policy china would have been in poverty

Efforts to prevent overpopulation in china?

China has a one child policy that lasts until 2010. It was made in 1979 to limit communist China growth.

What are the conditions of the one child policy?

The One Child Policy was implemented to control the population of China. It is controversial, and has been linked to forced abortions, infanticide of female babies, and the sex imbalance of China's population.

How successful has China been with their one-child policy?

The population has been lowered but its still canny massive like coz its a huge place and some people will cheat the law which is canny libbs on the people who follow it like.

Has china one child policy been successful in controlling china population growth?

It has diminished population growth, but at the same time it has led to a very uneven spread of age groups in the population and to a sizable surplus of males, especially in the countryside.

Has china one child policy been successful in controling china population growth?

This policy have being very successful to controlling the population, people in china follow this rule and great consequences will be faced otherwise. This policy also help the country to develop, if it wasn't for this policy, right now the amount of people in china would be way overboard compared to the area of land. Lack of food, job, shelter would become a big problem in the future, the the population wasn't controlled. In a few years time India's population will over take China.

What have been the consequences of China's one-child policy?

Fines. Unless your rich then you can pay your way out.

Is china's one child policey successful or failure?

China's one child policy has been successful in the urban areas but in the rural area it was not much successful. The population has lowered but it is still large because China is a huge country and many people also break the law. so it has but little effect on the population. Eg; before a family had generally 3-4 children and sometimes even 6-7 but now it has lowered to 2-3 children. So the clock is still ticking........

Where did the One child policy start?

Without the one child policy, China's population would grow to approximately 1.8 billion by 2025 which is the reason that the Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping established the one child policy in 1979.

Has the policy been fair to everybody in the china's one child policy?

Probably not, but that wasn't the point of it and it is a communist country so they do and tell their people what to think, say, and do.

Why has the one child policy been criticised?

The bad points of china's one child policy is that:It has a negative effect on females,It will cause alot of infanticide,More abortions,More abandoning will occur often.

Did China's 1 child policy end?

It has not ended and has not been scheduled to do so.