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The Titanic had 3 Propellers. The 2 side Props had 3 blades each and the Middle one had 4 blades.

pinkgal333: there is a titanic 2 and 3 ok people

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Q: Did the Titanic have 2 or 3 or 4 propellors?
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None of those days. Titanic struck an iceberg on Day 4, and sunk early into Day 5.

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There were 4, but only 3 were working. The 4th was out on for show to make the Titanic look more impressive.

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How long dit it that the titanic to sink?

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What problems did the Titanic confront?

1) An Iceberg. 2) A lack regard for safety for all people on the shift. 3) Leonardo DeCaprio 4) Water

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