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Q: Did the Writers of the Mayflower Compact acknowledged the British authority openly?
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Do the writers of the Mayflower Compact acknowledged British authority?


How did the Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower treat their relationship to the authority of Britain in the Mayflower Compact?

They acknowledged it.

How did the Pilgrims aboard Mayflower treat their relationship to the authority of Britain in the Mayflower Compact?

They acknowledged it.

Mayflower Compact was ruled by what type of government?

Democratic authority was established by the Mayflower Compact.

Can you think of any reasons why the writer of the Mayflower Compact wanted to acknowledge British authority so?

Acknowledging British authority helped keep social order on the boat.

Can you think of any reasons why the writers of the Mayflower Compact wanted to acknowledge British authority so openly?

Acknowledging British authority helped keep social order on the boat.

What was the first example of self-government and direct democracy in the colonies?

The Mayflower Compact was the first example of self-government in the British colonies.

How did the Mayflower Compact and the charter differ?

The Mayflower Compact was the Pilgrim's own form of government. A charter is a grant of authority (permission) from the king that they, the colonists, are allowed to start a colony.

What is the Mayflower Compact and why it is important?

The Mayflower Compact is important because of its principle, that a government's authority derives from the consent of the governed. The signers of the Compact stated that the pilgrims had to work together in order to survive in the new world

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