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Q: Did the poor farmer obey the order?
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What is another name for a poor farmer?

A poor farmer is sometimes referred to as a subsistence farmer.

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Who was son of a poor farmer?

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What are the release dates for The Beverly Hillbillies - 1962 The Poor Farmer 4-10?

The Beverly Hillbillies - 1962 The Poor Farmer 4-10 was released on: USA: 17 November 1965

Was Joan of Arc a Knights Templar?

no she was not, she was a very poor farmer girl

How Many poor farmers are in India?

These schemes have been implemented to alleviate the poverty of farmers.

What is the story about the aged mother-japanese folktale?

"The Story of the Aged Mother" is a Japanese folktale about a cruel ruler who decrees that all elderly people must be killed. A devoted son disobeys the order, fleeing with his mother to a remote mountain. The mother sacrifices herself to save her son, conveying wisdom and guidance before passing away. The tale celebrates the bond between a mother and her child and the importance of respecting elders.

Would you obey an order if you knew it was morally wrong?


Who are the characters of The Aged Mother?

widowed mother, poor farmer despotic leader

How do you spell peonn?

The spelling peon is a Spanish term for a poor farmer, serf, or worker.

How the poor farmer and his aged mother solve the provlem in The Aged Mother?

In the story "The Aged Mother," the poor farmer and his aged mother solve the problem of the ruler's decree banning old people by escaping to the mountains. With the wisdom and guidance of the mother, they survive in the mountains and eventually find a beautiful tree with white blossoms that move the ruler to revoke the cruel decree.