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Want - something nice to have, perhaps even a luxury

Need - necessity to carry out your tasks in day to day life

Desire - a heartfelt longing

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Q: Difference between Demand Want and Desire?
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What is the difference between demand wants and desire?

demand is when a customer is demanding something want is when a customer wants something and desire is when a customer really want something

What is the Difference between want and demand?

demand is when a customer is demanding something want is when a customer wants something and desire is when a customer really want something

What is the difference between demand and desire?

Demand: 1.When Someone ant a thing and also have ability to buy that thing is DEMAND 2.Its Is Based On Availability N Ability To consumption of Resources. 3.Demand: *Give Me This Now* :D Desire: 1.When Someone ant a thing and Doesn't have ability to buy that thing is DESIRE 2.Its an IMAGINATION wothout estimating the available resources. 3. Desire: *I Want This* :')

What is the difference between decision and desire?

A decision is a selection between two or more things or actions. A desire is thing you want or an action you want to take.

What is the difference between a need want and a demand?

A need is something that is necessary i.e. food, waterA want is something that you desire but is not necessary i.e. a fast car, fancy clothes.A demand is a request for a need or want to be fulfilled i.e. a baby demands food so the parent gives it to them.

What is the similar word of want?

need, wish, desire, demand

What is the main difference between need and demand in economics?

The main difference between need and demand in economics is the purchase power. A want refers to a service or a good that is desired by a customer that is not necessarily required to sustain life while demand refers to the quantity of goods and services that the consumers are willing and able to buy at the range of prices.

What is the difference between like to and want to?

The difference is desire. "I like to eat octopus sandwiches" means that you would enjoy one if one were served to you, but not that you have a desire at this moment to get one. But if you say "I want to eat an octopus sandwich" it means that you have a desire to jump in the car RIGHT NOW and go over to Octopus King and get a Big Ock with double cheese. Even if there were no action you could take to get that sandwich, you would take it if you could.

What is the difference between stealing and coveting?

When you "covet" something you want it/wish for it/desire it and envy the other person that has it for having it. When you "steal" you take the step of taking the thing you want from the other person without their permission.

What is the difference between demand and quantity demanded?

demand = how much people want it quantity (supply) = how much you have/can sell When the demand drops, the supply increases, and when the supply increases, the demand drops, but it will turn around again, and when the supply is low, the demand increases, and when the demand increases, and the supply gets lower.

The difference between wants and demands?

A want is a good or service desired by a consumer that is not required to sustain life. This is as opposed to a need, which is a good or service required to sustain life. Most of the goods and services desired by modern-day consumers are classified as wants, as the only needs of most consumers are food, water, clothing and shelter.Demand is the quantity of a good or service that a consumer(s) is willing and able to buy at a range of prices. If a consumer is willing and able to purchase a need/want, they are considered to have demand for that need/want.

What three things must exist in order to have demand for a good or service?

desire, ability, and willingness to buy something