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A PhD is just one example of a doctorate.

A PhD is a 'generic' doctorate which is earned after 3-5 years of dedicated research and a publishable dissertation. PhD stands for "Doctor of Philosophy" (Philosophy being generally the unknown - regardless of subject).

Other doctorates are MD (Medical Doctor), DPH (Doctorate in Public Health), DCS (Doctorate in Computer Science) and many more.

In some countries DSc or ScD (Doctor of Science), is a regular doctorate but in other countries it may be a special 'higher degree' that is given to honor many years of outstanding work.

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13y ago
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15y ago

It's the same thing. It's just a matter of semantics. For example, " He finished his doctorate at Rutgers University," or "Does Rutgers offer doctoral degrees?."

It's the same thing. It's just a matter of semantics. For example, " He finished his doctorate at Rutgers University," or "Does Rutgers offer doctoral degrees?."

It's the same thing. It's just a matter of semantics. For example, " He finished his doctorate at Rutgers University," or "Does Rutgers offer doctoral degrees?."

It's the same thing. It's just a matter of semantics. For example, " He finished his doctorate at Rutgers University," or "Does Rutgers offer doctoral degrees?."

It's the same thing. It's just a matter of semantics. For example, " He finished his doctorate at Rutgers University," or "Does Rutgers offer doctoral degrees?."

It's the same thing. It's just a matter of semantics. For example, " He finished his doctorate at Rutgers University," or "Does Rutgers offer doctoral degrees?."

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15y ago

The PhD is a doctorate from which many specific programs of study fall. It is the highest level of educational attainment and typically take four years post bachelors degree to complete provided the student takes the degree as prescribed by the college or university,

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13y ago

The doctorate is the highest level of educational attainment. There are a number of types of doctorate degrees. Academic and Professional.

Some academic Doctorates would include:

  • The PhD Doctor of Philosophy (gr. - Philos - Love, Sophos - Wisdom) (can be taken in almost any field
  • EdD - doctor of education
  • ScD - doctor of science
  • PsyD - doctor of psychology

Academic Degrees require advanced graduate research in the specialized field, and the writing of a doctoral dissertation (a published scholarly work) the premise of which is then "defended" before a panel of professors working in the general field of research.

Some professional Doctorates would include:

  • Medical doctor (MD)
  • Dentist (DDS), or (DMD)
  • Chiropractor (DC)
  • Podiatrist (DPM)
  • Optometrist (OD)
  • Veterinarian (DVM)

Professional doctorates, have their practice regulated by the various States, and require on average four years of graduate study at a specialized professional school, or university, and then from one to five or six years of post-graduate experience in a clinical setting.

All the above are doctoral degrees.

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15y ago

I Dont think there is any difference between PHD and Doctorate. A person who has acquired a PHD or Doctorate could be called as a Doctor....

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15y ago

A PhD is a doctor of philosophy from which many specific programs of study fall.

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14y ago

The doctorate is a general degree level from which a number of specific degree types fall. One of those degree types is the PhD. Others include, EdD, MD, DO, DDS, etc.

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15y ago

It's the same thing. It's just a matter of semantics. For example, " He finished his doctorate at Rutgers University," or "Does Rutgers offer doctoral degrees?."

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14y ago

The PhD is a level of degree category from which many specific programs of study fall. Typically, a doctorate in science is a PhD category and the highest level of educational attainment.

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There is no functional difference between Dr. and DR. Both are used as titles for people who hold the degree of Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Science (DSc), or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), or any other doctoral level academic degree. The preferred form is "Dr." when using mixed case.

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Professor (Last Name). If they have a PhD then Doctor (Last Name) is also appropriate in the U.S.

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MD is Medical Doctor. An MS is a Masters of Science and the individual is not a doctor (that would require a PhD). Both an MD and a PhD have a great deal of education past the college level, but I would say that a Medical Doctor has more, particularly when you factor in the Internship that is required.

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