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An allusion is an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference.

An illusion is something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality.

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Q: Difference between allusion and illusion
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What does illusion?

What does allusion means?

How do you use allusion and illusion in a sentence?

"In his book report, James made an allusion to the illusion the main character saw in chapter three."

What is the difference between the words allussion and illusion?

An *allusion is when a book or another text makes a reference to a different text (ex. The sword was the forbidden fruit= Biblical allusion). An illusion is trick, or something designed to portray things different than how they should be shown. Optical illusions, for example, trick the eyes. Hope I helped :)

Is the word myriad images an allusion?

No, it's a word, not an illusion and what is "allusion"?

What is the correct usage of allusion and illusion?

Illusion is an object or other manisfestation that a person thinks he sees but it not actually present. Allusion is referring to some situation or object, such as "He made an allusion to the new person in the office."

What is the classical illusion in this sentence from Walden?

The effect of Allusion in the story is that you GOOGLE it...

Is there an allusion in the book twilight new moon?

no there is no illusion in the new twilight

What is the difference between and optical illusion and an illusion?

All mirages are optical illusions but all optical illusions are not mirages.

Words that rhyme with confusion?

transfution, conclusion, illusion, fusion, allusion, extrusion

What rhymes with fusion?

Cushion Confusion, diffusion, effusion, allusion, illusion, contusion.

Why is allusion spelled with an a?

An allusion is different than an illusion. An allusion is a reference to text that helps explain a different story. An allusions story must be similar to the piece of work that it is in other wise its just a reference.

What is an example of an illusion?

An Illusion is anything which is perceived, but is not real. There is no functional difference between illusions and hallucination, but hallucinations are generated by the brain, while illusions are created by people.