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something that has to do wit Romans laws

Roman Catholic AnswerPriesthood implies sacrifice, the Ministerial priesthood is set aside by God through the ordination by the Bishop to stand in the person of Christ and offer His Body and Blood in sacrifice to the Father in Heaven. But, all Catholics are called to priesthood through their baptism. If you read Romans 12:2, you see St. Paul explaining this priesthood. The priesthood of all believers also offers sacrifice, as St. Paul says, we offer our body as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God, your spiritual worship. An entire article explaining this is given in the link below. We are called to consecrate our whole lives, whatever we do, whatever we eat, etc. all for the glory of God.
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Ministerial priesthood is received through the sacrament of Holy Orders, enabling a person to perform sacred duties like celebrating the Eucharist. The priesthood of the laity refers to the sharing in Christ's priesthood that all baptized Christians have, primarily through offering spiritual sacrifices and participating in the Church's mission.

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What is lay faithful?

In most systems of Christian belief the Church is comprised of two broad areas of function. Firstly we have the hierarchy of the ministry or priesthood who minister to the people of the church who comprise the "Lay Faithful" or laity meaning those members of the Church who are not ordained to the ministry or priesthood.

How can the laity bring justice and charity to social human life?

The laity can bring justice and charity to social human life by advocating for equitable policies, volunteering for organizations that serve marginalized communities, and treating all individuals with dignity and respect in their daily interactions. Additionally, they can support initiatives that promote social justice and actively work towards creating a more inclusive and compassionate society.

Why did the Protestants place emphasis on the literacy of the laity?

Protestants believed that literacy was important so that individuals could read and interpret the Bible for themselves, rather than relying solely on clergy for guidance. This emphasis on literacy helped empower the laity to engage directly with religious texts and teachings, leading to increased understanding and participation in Protestant beliefs.

What did Christian humanists set out to do and what method did they use?

Christian humanists sought to reform the Catholic Church by promoting the study of classical literature, philosophy, and the Bible to inspire moral and spiritual renewal among clergy and laity. They used textual criticism, scholarship, and rhetorical skills to emphasize the importance of education, reason, and personal piety in challenging the corruption and superstitions of the church.

What two sacraments do not require an ordained minister to administer them?

The two sacraments that do not require an ordained minister to administer them are baptism and marriage. In cases of necessity, anyone, even a non-ordained person, can validly perform these sacraments.

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What is lay faithful?

In most systems of Christian belief the Church is comprised of two broad areas of function. Firstly we have the hierarchy of the ministry or priesthood who minister to the people of the church who comprise the "Lay Faithful" or laity meaning those members of the Church who are not ordained to the ministry or priesthood.

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Michael Laity is 5' 7".

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