

Best Answer

Streptococcus viridans

  • arranged in chain
  • causes minor disesase
  • optochin sensitivity -ve
  • uncapsulated
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Q: What is the difference between streptococcal meningitis and streptococcal pneumonia?
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What is the difference between encephalitis and meningitis?

meningitis is inflamation of meninges surrounding the brain, but encephalitis is inflamation of the brain itself

What result from Griffith experiment suggested that the cause of pneumonia was not a chemical poison released by the diseases causing bacteria?

The difference between "walking pneumonia" and "true pneumonia".

What result from griffith's experiments suggested that the cause of pneumonia was not a chemical poison released by the disease-causing bacteria?

The difference between "walking pneumonia" and "true pneumonia".

What's difference between pneumonitis and pneumonia?

Pneumonia involves the swelling or inflammation lung tissue and it is infectious whereas pneumonitis is not infectious.

What are the differences in symptoms of viral meningitis and bacterial meningitis?

There is really no difference between the symptoms of viral and bacterial meningitis. With both you will have fever, headache, stiff neck, vomiting, and sensitivity to light. However that being said bacterial comes on suddenly where viral can take a few days.

What is the difference between a lung infection and pnuenomia?

Pneumonia is one type of lung infection, but not all infections are pneumonia. It depends on which sort of bacteria are causing the infection and where in the lungs the infection is.

How do you tell the difference between an allergy cough and a bronchitis or pneumonia cough?

Bronchitis often has a colored flam while allergies are clear.

What is the difference between left lower lobe pneumonia and bilateral pneumonia?

You have 3 lobes on the right side and 2 lobes on the left (with a little bitty middle lobe in between on the left). When you have left lower lobe pneumonia it is at the base of your left lung. When you have bilateral pneumonia it is on both sides of the chest (right and left lungs), but it could be in any lobes(most commonly at the bases).

What is the difference between atelectasis and pneumonia?

Atelectasis is the collapsing of a lungwhen there is an interference with the natural forces that promote lung expansion. Pneumonia is an inflammatory process and infection, usually involving fluid in the lungs.Atelectasis is basically a collapsed lung.

What are the causes of streptococcal infections?

Between 10,000 and 15,000 GAS infections occur in the United States every year.

What are the Differences between lobar pneumonia and bronchopneumonia?

Lobar pneumonia affects a large area of the one of the lobes of the lung. Bronchopneumonia is a form of pneumonia that also includes the inflammation of the bronchi.