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Physical Education in Sparta was military education where a child had to join at the age of 7 years. Physical Education in Athens was also military education, but they joined after 12 years.

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it started with the greeks...they had been molding their body into their desired fit by doing this different activities in physical education.

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Q: Differences between physical education in Sparta and physical education in Athens?
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What are the differences between ancient Athens and ancient Sparta?

ATHENS=based on education and entertainmentSPARTA=based strictly on military and poo

What are some differences between Sparta and Athens?

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What are the aims of physical and health education in Athens and Sparta?

physical and health is really important to Sparta but health an education is important to Athens cause they are in to democracy and Spartans are sporty an well built an the like to have strong baby or they will kill them

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Athens valued education, arts, and democracy while Sparta focused on military discipline and physical strength. Athens was a democracy where citizens had a say in government, while Sparta had a militaristic society governed by a small group of elite warriors.

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