

Different Names for sun in the world?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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12y ago

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i dont kniw

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Q: Different Names for sun in the world?
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They are given different names to help distinguish where in the world they are.

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restrunts afredes gredeased

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yes they were loser war 1 and loser war 2

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NOO! They ARE different questions and should be answered differently

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The Earth orbits the Sun once every year, as I'm sure you were already aware of. The world also rotates on it's own axis so at different points during the day different parts of the world will be facing the Sun creating the night/day process.However, where the Earth is in relation to the Sun along with what part of the world is facing the Sun at that point affects what season different parts of the world are in.For example if the world is to the left of the Sun, the countries to the right hand side of the Earth will be in winter. And if the Earth is to the North of the Sun, the countries to the South of the Earth will be in Summer.