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the difference between them is that direct access, such as a DVD allows you to go directly to a specific piece of data using an index, whereas sequential access is when data is chronologically stored on a VCR tape or Magnetic tape, you must go through all the data before you reach the data your looking for.

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Q: Differentiate between Direct Access and Sequential Access methods?
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What is difference between access and excess?

Access means to use or enter. Excess means extra.

How many relations may exist between two tables in a MS Access database?

only one relationship can exists between two tables in the MS ACCESS software

What is the difference between friend function and normal member function?

We can access a Friend function from any other class in which friend function is introduced or declared even if the other class is not a member of first class. But when we use normal member function, we can have its access only in the derived classes of the first class. This is the basic difference between a friend function and a normal member function.

What is the difference between pageContext and page implicit objects in JSP?

The page object represents the generated servlet instance itself, i.e., it is same as the "this" keyword for a Java file. As a result, you do not typically know who the super class is, and consequently do not normally make use of this object or its methods. The pageContext object represents the environment for the page, containing useful information like page attributes, access to the request, response and session objects, as well as the JspWriter referenced by out. This object also has methods for including another URL's contents, and for forwarding or redirecting to another URL. For example, to forward a request to another resource from in a JSP page, we can do that by using the pageContext variable: pageContext.forward ("other.jsp");

Difference between shortcut key and accesskey?

The keys that we use to have an access to any of the control from menu are considered as access keys. Eg: Alt + File. Key that we use to manipulate the data over the form is known as short cut key. Eg: Ctrl + b to make selected data as bold

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What is the difference between direct access and sequential access?

, Both terms "direct access" and "sequential access" as you must have guessed refer to accessing schemes in the file system. In broadest sense difference between these two can be stated like this -In sequential access data is stored at random locations. -In direct access data is stored at sequential locations. ( Ironically this is true No matter what kind of first impression we get when we hear it for the first time. ) -In sequential access addition of data is fast but retrieval of data is slow. -In direct access addition of data is slow as reordering of data blocks may be needed to put current data block after the last used data block for the file. But retrieval of data is fast. -Data structure implementing Sequential access is linked list. -Data structure implementing Direct access is an Array. Application areas:- A situation where rate of addition of data is much larger compared to retrieval of data Sequential access is preferred, in opposite situation Direct access is more suitable. Regards, Prime There are technical explanations as to how it works, but in simple terms, direct access means going straight to the record you want, whereas sequential access means going through all records one by one until you find the one you want.

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Random access and sequential access file in vb 6.0?

To access a particular data item in a sequential file, you need to read in all items in the file prior to the item of interest. This works acceptably well for small data files of unstructured data, but for large, structured files, this process is time-consuming and wasteful. Sometimes, we need to access data in non-sequential ways. Files which allow non-sequential access are random access files.