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Q: Diffusion of light in the atmosphere takes place due to what?
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Related questions

Where in your body does diffusion take place?

diffusion takes place in the alveoli

Diffusion can take place if the two substances are?

Diffusion can take place in any substance, cause diffusion means the mixture of gases . In a perfume shop diffusion takes place

Why does diffusion takes place in the leaf?

It takes place cause the leaf wants it to take place

What is the process by which the exchange of gases takes place?


How does the exchange of the oxygen with waste and carbon dioxide takes place in the capillaries?

Exchange takes place by diffusion .

Where does diffusion takes place?

In a cell in the human body diffusion takes place in the cell membrane. The cell membrane allows smaller sized molecules to pass through.

Diffusion takes place?

From an area of high concentration to and are of low concentration

Where in nature does ozone take place?

Ozone forms in the Earth's stratosphere when oxygen molecules are broken apart by ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. It can also be produced closer to the ground through industrial activities and electrical discharges during thunderstorms.

What is the thin cell covering through which diffusion takes place?

cell membrane

Weather takes place in which part of the atmosphere?

In the atmosphere or, when talking about fog, on the ground.

What factors most affect the rate of diffusion in a liquid or agas?

Two factors which determine the rate of diffusion of a liquid in another liquid include temperature and particle size. The higher the temperature, the faster diffusion takes place, and the smaller the particle, the faster diffusion takes place.

When does diffusion takes place?

from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration.:melissa*