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Is a dirt bike covered under homeowner personal property?

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Q: Dirt bike covered under home owners insurance?
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How do you know if the dirt the house is built on is not part of the homeowners insurance coverage?

Earth movement is generally not covered under a homeowners insurance policy so that should answer your question. The only case it might be covered is if you purchase an endorsement to add coverage for earthquake. Remember that maintenance and faulty building is not covered under homeowners insurance.

Who is responsible for dirt giving way under a fence when one yard is uphill from the other?

Dont know who is 'responsible' but the loss if reported to an insurance company would not be covered. //

Does homeowners insurance cover stolen dirt bikes?

You would have to have insurance on the dirt bike.

Will homeowners cover stolen dirt bikes not licensed?

Homeowners insurance does not cover dirt bikes. There is dirt bike coverage that can be purchased. Dirt bikes are not required to be licensed in order to use them. Make sure that your dirt bike coverage stipulates that it is covered upon theft because not all policies include theft.

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What kinds of soil does Haiti have?

the dirt covered kind

Can you Ride a 49cc dirt bike in Craig Colorado?

For public roadways - If it is street legal, the operator has a driver's license, and if it has liability insurance. If no to any of the above - you can ride it on private property with the property owners permission.

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pigpen is the one covered with dirt and walking around. He will have moving lines around him for dirt

What is the name of the dirt layer under the grass?

The dirt under grass can be called soil.

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What does pulveratricious mean?

Covered in dirt. Ex: Your desk is pulveratricious.