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Q: Discuss the trade-off between the product quality and price in traditional and online retailing?
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Difference between store retailing and non store retailing?

One major difference between store and non-store retailing is location. To do store retailing, it has to have a physical location, or a "brick and mortar" presence that a customer can physically go to. In non store retailing, there is no physical location for customers to pick up their good, and instead, they get them through automatic vending machines, television, video, Internet, direct selling, and direct marketing.

What is a difference between marketing and retailing?

retailing is selling the products and services from one particular point and marketing is creating the demand for the products and services and then selling them in the market.

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What is the difference between Product retailing and service retailing from point of view of retail marketing?

Product retailing is when a company sells a product that can come from a manufacturer, the store selling the item only sells it does not have a relationship with the consumer. Service retailing is selling a service such as cleaning a house or repairing a car, a relationship is built between the customer and the service provider. When marketing a product the marketer has to show that the product is desirable to the consumer, whereas when marketing a retail service it is a relationship that is being promoted not just a single transaction.

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What is the diffference between retailing and whole selling?

retailing means buying in bulk from the wholesellers and selling in smaller quantities to the consumers while wholeselling means buying goods from the producers and selling in bulk at a higher price to the retailers

What is the difference between marketing and retailing?

marketing is a wider concept whereas retailing is just an part of marketing marketing is creation of demand for goods and services whereas retailing is selling the goods and services. marketing is done in various form such as wholesale, distributor's whereas retailing is done from a particular point marketing focuses on overall consumer's needs and satisfaction whereas retailing only focuses on their own customers to whom they have to sell marketing emphasis on overall customer satisfaction whereas retailing emphasis on selling the profit to earn more and more profit. marketing is directly connected the over all chains whereas retailing is related to directly consumer. by akhil agarwal (ca-ipcc and bba 3rd year)

What is the camparison between the best and cheapest brands?

The cheapest brands won't have a very good build quality, but will be much cheaper. It's a tradeoff.

The difference between traditional and non-traditional source of energy?

Traditional sources of energy, like coal, oil, and natural gas, are fossil fuels that have been used for many years. Non-traditional sources, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, harness renewable energy from natural sources like the sun and wind. Non-traditional sources are more sustainable and have less impact on the environment compared to traditional sources.