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It accelerates at the rate of 9.8m/s^2 (32.15f t/sec^2).That means its velocity increases 9.8 m/s (32.15 ft/sec)each second, until it hits the ground.

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it undergoes acceleration due to gravity. the velocity increases...

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As an object falls, it loses potential energy. If it is in free fall, it will also gain kinetic energy.

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Q: As an object falls toward Earth?
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What happens as an object falls towards the earth?

It accelerates downward at a rate of 9.8m/s2. Depending on the object and how high above the earth it started, it may reach terminal velocity at which point it will no longer accelerate, but will continue to fall at a constant velocity.

What is the downward pull of a object due to gravity?

The strength of the force in each direction between the earth and any mass is called the "weight" of the mass. The force is equal in both directions, which means that the weight of the mass on earth is the same as the earth's weight on the mass. The force acts along the line between the center of the earth and the center of the mass. The direction toward the center of the earth is customarily referred to as the 'down' direction, and toward the center of the mass as the 'up' direction.

When you lift an object off the ground how are you changing its energy?

You are changing the object's gravitational potential energy. Gravitational potential energy is the energy due to position of the object above the Earth. This energy has the potential to be transformed into Kinetic Energy if the object falls.

What is the equation used to calculate the placement of an object into orbit?

An object in orbit is falling toward the Earth. Plus, it has some motion 'sideways'. Remember that the Earth is shaped like a ball. The sideways motion of the object is just enough so that the curve of the Earth 'falls away' just as fast as the object falls. So the object keeps falling, but never gets any closer to the Earth.

Where does gravity pull towards?

The further from the earth that you are the less gravity acts on you. This is because the object with the greatest mass in this case the earth pulls you to it. This is why when you drop a pencil it falls to the floor instead of flyin back to your hand.

Related questions

Why does an object accelerate when it falls toward as the earth's surface?

An object accelerates when it falls towards the Earth's surface due to the force of gravity acting on it. Gravity pulls the object towards the center of the Earth, causing it to increase in speed as it falls.

Why does an object accalerate when it falls toward earth surafce?

Gravity speeds it up

When an object is falling toward earth what force is pushing up on the object?

When an object is falling toward Earth, the force pushing up on the object is gravity, which is pulling the object downward towards the Earth's center. There is no active force pushing the object up as it falls.

Describe the action and reaction force pairs involved when an object falls toward Earth Ignore the effects of air resistance?

The action force is the gravitational pull of Earth on the object. The reaction force is the object's gravitational pull on Earth. According to Newton's third law, these forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

The motion an object experiences when it falls toward the earth with no forces acting upward?

Free Fall

Why does and object accelerate when it falls toward Earth's surface?

An object accelerates when it falls towards Earth's surface due to the force of gravity acting on it. Gravity causes a constant acceleration of 9.8 m/s^2, pulling the object towards the center of the Earth. As the object falls, the force of gravity remains constant, leading to a continuous increase in the object's speed and acceleration.

What is a force that pulls on an object toward the earth?

The force that pulls an object toward earth also pulls the earth toward the object.The two forces are equal. Together, we refer to them as the force of gravity.

What force pulls items toward the earth?

The force that pulls an object toward earth also pulls the earth toward the object. The two forces are equal. Together, we refer to them as the force of gravity.

The force that pulls falling toward earth is called?

The force that pulls an object toward earth also pulls the earth toward the object. The two forces are equal. Together, we refer to them as the forces of gravity.

What is true about an object falling toward Earth?

Earth pulls on the object, and the object pulls on Earth

What direction does earth pull objects?

The force of mutual gravitational attraction between the earth and any other object pulls the object toward the center of the earth, and pulls the earth toward the center of the object. Both pulls have equal strength.

What pulls down the object to earth?

Gravity is the force that pulls objects towards the center of the Earth. This force is responsible for keeping everything on the Earth's surface.