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French kids have homework- That's to make sure they do learn their lessons and that they do undertand what they are told in class, by putting their knowledge into practice.

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12y ago

Yes, French students have some homework to do and lessons to learn at home.

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How much homework did kids have in California?

Kids in California get the same amount of homework as kids in other states.

How do you say do homework in french?

"les devoirs" (often used in the plural.) faire tes devoirs = to do your homework as-tu fais tes devoirs ? = did you do your homework? J'ai fini mes devoirs. = I have finished my homework. "le devoir" (sing.) : il me reste encore mon devoir de français > I still have my French homework to do.

How often do kids do their homwork?

Not often!!!!!! So if u r a parent I would get your kids to study and get their homework done right after they get home rather they like it or not. So get your kids to do their homework and they will succseed in life. They will get good grades if u do something right now. If u don't then you will never get to see your kids have a succsesful life and be happy. So if I where u I would do something right now

How do you say 'the homework' in French?

The homework in French is "les devoirs" - I hope that solves it for you!

How much kids get homework each year?

No studies have been done, but most kids do have homework

What does the french words 'les devoirs'mean in English?

"les devoirs" (masc., often used in the plural) means 'the homework'"fais tes devoirs"= do your homeworkj'ai du mal avec mon devoir de français= I have some trouble with my French homework

Why are kids against homework?

There are many reasons kids are against homework. Some are: They have other things they are interested in and just don't want to take the time to do homework. Also, homework is often not very interesting and it is repetitive in that often it is requires reading a chapter of their texbook and doing a handout or a set of questions at the end of the chapter. Another reason is that kids don't associate the need to learn what they are being taught because it does not seem to apply to their real lives. Finally, some kids are totally addicted to computers and prefer to spend their time playing games instead of expandoing their minds.

Do french kids have brakes?

No they find it very hard to stop often!

Why do kids get stressted over homework?

36% percent of kids get stressed about homework. if you want more info, go to it has alot of facts about kids having stress over homework and other things.

Are kids getting enough homework?

Yes because the school make sure to get the kids prepared for their future. Yes kids are getting enough homework.

How do you say 'I do my homework' in french?

I do my homework is "je fais mes devoirs" in French.

Is homework kids responsibility?
