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Q: Do NZ people have wider feet than other countries?
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Are all peoples feet different sizes as in ones bigger wider than the other?

No. They're not like fingerprints.

Can you tellaboy from a girl by their feet?

Guys have wider feet and toes and girls have narrow heals

Can wearing high heels help make your feet thinner?

No it will actually make your feet wider

What do you call people who eat feet?

Normal people, although in differing regions and countries, eat pigs' feet (trotters), chicken feet and other types of animal feet. Various types of animal feet are eaten or used in making stocks. Those who eat them are not called by any special name. On the Lighter Side: Although, to coin a term, how about Pedivore? Tootsievore?

Are your feet longer in the morning than at night?

No, it anything your feet are wider and longer after you have been standing on them all day.

How do you tell if you have wide feet or not?

you can tell if you have wide feet or not is by measuring your foot if its wider than three inches then your foot should be check by a doctor.

What are the best football boots at the moment?

I believe that Puma Kings or Adidas World Cups are the best, but for people with wide feet you are best off choosing the puma kings as they have a wider fit.

Can people with wide feet wear toms?

No. Or any other shoes. Get real feet, you freak.

What does 12-6 sign mean?

Be sure your load is not wider that 12 feet 6 inches

Why do people lick other people's feet?

People lick other people's feet because they have something called a Foot Fetish. It is a sexual desire to lick, smell, tickle, or touch feet. There is nothing weird about it because people are born with it, and it is a natural thing. I have a foot fetish, and it's kind of hard to explain.

Did George Washington have hairy feet?

Yes, George Washington did have hairy feet. As do all other normal people.

Would there be fat people if your feet pointed the other way?
