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no they eat people!

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Q: Do Termites eat landscaping mulch
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Can termites live in mulch?

Yes termites can live in anyorganic wooden mulch but not cow manure mulch

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What kind of tree bark or mulch is best for placing around landscaping plants?

Pine bark mulch is considered to be the best for a home garden.

Do termites eat snakes?

no, termites eat wood, but snakes might eat termites

Will the Mulch Edge Lawn & Garden Landscaping Border curve around corners?

The Mulch Edge is particularly ideal for jobs involving curves and corners.

Do termites eat echidnas?

No. Echidnas eat termites.

Do termites eat plant?

Termites eat wood.

Will mulch draw termites?

To give you some background on myself I am a 30 year landscape veteran that went back to school in 2003. I have studied this question in my horticulture classes back in 2003 and as I remember I was told that termites do not eat mulch that termites only ate solid wood and was backed by scientific data. As a good student I agreed and to listen to my teacher because that is what you go to school for and I have always been hungry for knowllage.Recently I done more research on the study to prove my education. The first thing a person has to understand is that termites are are subterane

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Termites do eat Bamboo

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Landscaper or lawn service for mulch and topsoil installation?

It would be better to have a landscaping company complete your backyard project. A landscaping company will draw up a professional landscaping design of your backyard. You will send the end result before they beginning.

Where can I find mulch and topsoil in Des Moines?

Mulch Mart in Des Moines sells both mulch and topsoil. Lounsbury Landscaping, Sand, and Gravel also offers delivery of topsoil to homes and businesses in the Des Moines area.