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Q: Do all Chinese people have slanted eyes?
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What do Chinese peoples look like?

In general, Chinese people have dark brown brunette hair (also known as black hair). They often have slanted eyes, but there are still many that may not have slanted eyes; their faces are often flat and round. They are often short. Chinese people usually for the women, have high cheek bones. Most Chinese people are tan-looking, sometimes pale, or dark as coppered-skinned.However, this is not true for all Chinese people.

What is the stereotype Chinese?

Here are several -Chinese are great at math -Chinese eat cats and dogs 24/7 -Chinese work hard all day -Chinese never have fun -Chinese love to abuse animals -Chinese have slanted eyes -Chinese are cheap

Why are chines peoples eyes slanted?

That's an offensive and inaccurate term. The reason some Asians (not all) and some non-Asians have eyes that appear to be less round is because of a part of the eyelid called the epicanthic fold. It is an adaptation to a cold climate, protecting the eyes from cold temperatures, wind and areas of high light reflection such as deserts. Probably came about in the upper Paleolithic.

Why Japanese have slanted eyes?

The shape of people's eyes is primarily determined by genetics. The slanted appearance of some Japanese people's eyes is attributed to a combination of genetic factors, such as the epicanthic fold, which is found in various ethnic groups across Asia. It is important to note that not all Japanese people have slanted eyes, as eye shape can vary within any population.

Why were ancient Chinese eyes narrow?

it was just the way they were born

Why people racist to Chinese?

Well Chinese People May Not Hav The Same Eyes As Us So..Europe,south America they all hav different Eyes Too Chinese People ThE Chinese People Eyes Are Much Smaller.. I HOPE WE CAN STOP BEING RACIST TO CHINESE! even tho i come from England i feel sorry for the Chinese ppl cos ppl are racist to them (well not all) Btw Chinese cook delicous food lolz

Are all eyes the same shape?

no, because if you are Chinese more people there have smaller eyes that are kind of squinted looking

When was All the Best Cowboys Have Chinese Eyes created?

All the Best Cowboys Have Chinese Eyes was created in 1981.

Why do Chinese people have small eyes and yellow skin?

it is genetically inherited

Did the Indo-Europeans have slanted eyes?

There is no evidence to suggest that Indo-Europeans had slanted eyes. Physical characteristics such as eye shape can vary widely within any ethnic or cultural group, so it would be inaccurate to make a general statement about the appearance of a diverse group of people like the Indo-Europeans based on one specific physical trait.

Why do all mentally retarded children have the same looks?

Those that have Down's Syndrome have a genetic defect that makes their faces flat and their eyes are slanted with a fold of skin.

Do Chinese people make there eyes round to make fun of Americans?

Before answering let's draw out a few points. You indicate:Only "Americans" have round eyes and all of them do.All Chinese people act the sameNo other reason for "Making their eyes round" exists to mock people (Epicanthic fold reduction is not a cosmetic surgery)The process for "making their eyes round" is not obviousChinese peoples care enough about Americans to mock themNone of these points are supportable, So ... no they don't.