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No, not all countries have electricity available all the time. Some countries may experience power outages due to factors like inadequate infrastructure, natural disasters, or political instability. Additionally, rural areas within countries may have limited access to electricity.

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What countries do not use electricity?

All countries use electricity to a greater or lesser extent.

What country needs electricity?

To maintain a 'modern society' all countries need electricity.

What 5 countries don't have electricity?

It is difficult to provide an exact number as the situation can change rapidly. However, some countries that have faced significant challenges with electricity access in the past include South Sudan, Chad, Burundi, Central African Republic, and Liberia.

Is Sky Mail available in all countries?

No. Sky Mail is not available in all countries. However, it is available world wide and some Sky Mail providers deliver to over 180 countries and territories.

Is electricity available all over the world?

No it is not available all over the world.Currently, more than 2.1 billion people or 425 millions households are still without access to electricity.

Do all countries have electricity?

See the answer to the Related Question shown below for a lot of information about household electricity supplies all around the world.

Why is it bad to have electricity on all the time?

It is bad to have electricity on all the time because it makes your energy bill high alsobad 4 environment

How do you get hydro electricity?

we can get hydro electricity from the water which is re useable all the time

Did people in World War 2 have electricity?

In the United States, the United Kingdom and Nearly all of Europe and the countries in the Pacific Theater had electricity. Nearly all of the well developed countries have had electrical power since the early twentieth century.

How available is cheap electricity?

If you would like to use cheap electricity, just browse around and check what all deals are available with the suppliers offer. By this way you could save some money.

What percentage of electricity is nuclear?

Your question is too open- do you mean in a country? If you mean the world then you will have to add all of the different countries amount of electricity together and figure out a percentage then, I wouldn't recommend it though because it will take a lot of research and time.

Is hsbc bank available in multiple countries?

i really dont know but guessing yes as it is a major company and all major companys are available worlwide, if it is not available in different countries then i will be surprised