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No, materials have difference conductance - also the temperature of the material affects how well electricity is conducted.

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Q: Do all electrical conductors conduct current equally well?
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Are the three conductors in a single phase 240v circuit considered to be in parallel?

If the three conductors are in a single cable they physically are positioned parallel in relationship to each other. True parallel conductors are combined to split the current. They have to be of equal length and size so that they split the load current between the two or three or four conductors. Conductors are paralleled so that multiple smaller conductors, which are easier to work with, can carry equally the total load current. To answer the question no, the three conductors in a 120/240 circuit are not considered to be in parallel. All three of these conductors could have a different current being carried by them depending on how the load is distributed.

Are electrical conductors and insulators equally important for electricity?

Yes. You need both conductors and insulators to work with electricity. Conductors such as wires provide a path for electricity to move where it is needed and insulators prevent electricity from dissipating, from being where it is not supposed to be and where it can cause harm and damage.

What is more important insulators or conductors?

Conductors and Insulators. In a conductor, electric current can flow freely, in an insulator it cannot. Metals such as copper typify conductors, while most non-metallic solids are said to be good insulators, having extremely high resistance to the flow of charge through them.

What shares electrons equally?

a nonpolar molecule

Do all object equally conduct absorb of or emit heat?

no , its not equal .

Does inductors have polarity?

A: They conduct equally in both direction so there is no need to indicate polarity

Do all objects equally conduct absorb or emit heat?

No, not equallyNo. There's a lot of variation.

Do an objects equally conduct absorb or unit heat?

NO they do not. I'm not to sure to be honest Why not try google

Do all objects equally conduct absorb emit heat?

The emitting and absorbtion of heat is related to ' thermal radiation', whereas the 'conduction' of heat is a separate topic in physics. Firstly, thermal radiation is not equivalent across all substances. Darker coloured 'objects' such as those with a 'matt black' colour are the best emitters and absorbers of 'heat'. Lighter silvered 'objects' are the poorest emitters, the poorest absorbers, and the best reflectors of heat. Similarly, not all objects equally conduct heat. Metals are the best conductors of heat; and so non-metals are the worst. All Insulators do not conduct heat. Examples of good insulators are: plastic and wood.

What is the best indication of excessive current flow?

The best indication of excessive current flow in an electrical circuit is if a protective fuse blows or a circuit breaker trips.Fuses and circuit breakers are designed to open a circuit when an excess amount of current occurs, so as to break that flow of current.The worst indication of excessive current flow is if a length of cable overheats and/or catches on fire...Equally bad is if a piece of electrical equipment - or its power cord and/or plug - overheats and/or catches on fire...

What is a d.c motor?

A DC motor in simple words is a device that converts direct current(electrical energy) into mechanical energy. It's of vital importance for the industry today, and is equally important for engineers.

What is the definition of electrical neutrality?

the conductor of a polyphase circuit or single phase 3 wire circuit which is intended to have a voltage such that the voltage difference between it and each of the other conductors are equal in magnitude and are equally spaced in phase