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In short, no.

Most energy that travels via waves is electromagnetic, although sound (and probably a few other types of energy) travels has waveforms too.

A couple of examples of energy that don't travel in waves are potential energy, kinetic energy and chemical energy.

Thermal energy can travel via waves as radiation energy (electromagnetic). Other forms of thermal energy transfer doesn't travel in waves.

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16y ago

Yes, matter is anything that occupies space. It also is affected by gravity and inertia.

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13y ago

No, energy does not occupy any space, because it has no form.

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NO. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space.

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Some do- light energy travels.

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Q: Do all forms of energy travel in waves?
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How do you know waves transfer energy in the direction of the travel of wave?

seismic waves travel in all directions. the reason we know is because of earthquakes.

What 2 forms of energy are created by waves?

No form of energy is ever created, you can only change one form into another. Waves come in many forms, and all of them carry energy, which can be transformed into other kinds of energy. Water waves, for instance, carry kinetic energy which can drive a generator to produce electrical energy, as well as waste heat energy. Light energy travels as waves, and this can be changed by a solar cell into electrical energy, or by a plant into chemical energy.

What type of wave does not need a medium to travel through?

It is electromagnetic radiation that needs no medium to travel in. Gamma rays, light and radio waves, all forms of electromagnetic radiation, can travel through the vacuum of space very well. In fact, they prefer it.

What is the Energy that travels across distances in the form of electromagnetic waves?

Energy transfered in the form of electromagnetic waves is classified according to wavelength of the radiation. Radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet light, X-rays and gamma rays are all forms of electromagnetic radiation.

What is transfer of energy through space?

An electromagnetic wave is a oscillation through 2 fields, electrical and magnetic fields of the space the wave is travelling through. These oscillations are at right angles to each other. Electromagnetic waves are carried by miniscule particles of energy called photons, Light itself is one of the forms of electromagnetic waves and all EM waves travel at the speed of light 3x10^8 ms or 300 000 000 metres per second. Photons have 0 mass. Nothing with mass can truly have a higher velocity then the speed of light or EM radiation. As they are carried by photons they need no medium to travel through and can therefore travel through space/a vacuum.

Related questions

Can all forms of energy travel in a vacuum?

Yes, all forms of energy can travel in a vacuum because energy does not require a medium (such as air or water) to transfer from one place to another. This includes forms like electromagnetic radiation (such as light) and gravitational energy.

Do longitudinal waves have high energy?

The energy of a longitudinal wave is related to its amplitude, frequency, and wavelength, rather than its direction of oscillation. Longitudinal waves can have high energy if they have a large amplitude and high frequency, but the presence of longitudinal motion alone does not determine the energy of the wave.

How do you know waves transfer energy in the direction of the travel of wave?

seismic waves travel in all directions. the reason we know is because of earthquakes.

What do all types of electromagnetic wave transfer from one place to another?

All types of electromagnetic waves transfer energy from one place to another by oscillating electric and magnetic fields. These waves do not require a medium to travel through and can propagate through a vacuum.

Visible light and other waves of energy are forms of?

Visible light and other waves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. These waves unlike sound waves can travel through vacuums and do so at c (3x10^8 m/s). The spectrum is very broad and includes microwaves, ultraviolet , x-rays, and our own visible light spectrum. These waves are differentiated based on their frequency but all contain photons, mass-less charge-less particles, hence the dual nature of light (light and other waves behave both as particles and waves, confusing i know :P) basically what this means is that the only difference between visible light, x-rays, and microwaves is the frequency of the photon wave.

All forms of energy in the elctromatic spectrum travel at the same speed of?

The speed of light. The speed is the same, if the EM waves travel through empty space. In other media, like air or water, they are usually slower.

Is it true or false that all forms of energy can travel in a vacuum?


Did waves carries energy?

most kinds of waves need something to travel through. Water waves, for example, travel along the surface of the water. A wave can even travel along a rope. Gases (such as air), liquids (such as water), and solids (such as rope) , all act as mediums. Waves that require a medium through which travel are called mechanical waves.Some waves do not require a medium to travel through. Light can travel and carry energy through empty space. Waves that can travel without a medium are called electromagnetic waves. :)

Can energy go through water?

Yes, energy can travel through water in the form of waves or vibrations. For example, light energy can penetrate water and heat it up, while sound energy can travel through water as pressure waves.

What waves transfer from one place to another?

All waves can travel from one place to another as long as they have a medium to travel through. The only waves that do not need a medium are electromagnetic waves. When using the word "transfer" though. Waves transfer energy; waves themselves are not transfered they simply travel.

Do infrared waves travel more quickly visible light?

No. All colors of light, and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation, all travel with the same speed.

What do ocean waves and currents have to do with energy waves and electrical currents?

energy travels through waves.Waves can be in water, but they can also be on land or in the air.A wave moves energy from one place to another.light,sound and mechanical energy all travel in waves.