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No. Vodka doesn't freeze ;)

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Q: Do all liquids and gases freeze like water?
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Can freezing liquids break container?

Only the few liquids that expand when they freeze like water. But yes, they can.

What are not like gases?

Solids and liquids are not like gases.

What are gases and liquids?

Gases and liquids are both forms of an object, gas is like evaporation, it is an object dispersed in air in small particles and a liquid is a form of an object when it is melted or is in a state where it is like water.

How can gas be a part of mixture?

There are three ways. Some mixtures are gases themselves, and air is the most common one. Some mixtures are partly gases and partly liquids. Also, gases can dissolve into liquids, like oxygen in water.

Liquids are like gases in that they?

take the shape of their container.

Has no definte shape or volume?

pretty much all gases and liquids. you cant describe air as a shape right?and gases expand to fill the contaonter they're in. Liquids don't have a shape because they are atrracted to each other, like water.

What does a molecule have to do with liquid?

All liquids are made up of tiny things called molecules. Liquids can have molecules made of a single atom, like mercury, or a combination of a few atoms like water (H2O) or ethanol (CH3CH2OH), or larger molecules like gasoline. Most liquids are mixtures of a lot of different molecules, like a bloody mary, or urine. Liquids can freeze into solids or evaporate into gases, in which case the molecules become either linked more tightly together or escape into the air as isolated single molecules, respectively.

Why does sound travel quickly in gas?

Sound actually travels faster in liquids like water and much faster in metals like steel than it does in gases. Consider why this might be.

What happens when you place a liquid in the freezer?

When liquids are placed in the freezer, most of them freeze over and become solids. There are exceptions to this like alcohol.

Sound can travel through-?

sound can travel through wood and water like if you are in the pool you can make sound of bubble with your mouth under water

Why does water have pressure?

water has a definite volume, but not a shape. The amount of pressure exerted on the water must be displaced around the container, causing a pressure to build up, as water and other liquids cannot be compacted like gases.

Does water have pressure?

water has a definite volume, but not a shape. The amount of pressure exerted on the water must be displaced around the container, causing a pressure to build up, as water and other liquids cannot be compacted like gases.